Physiotherapists & MSK Sonographers

Physiotherapy Treatments

happy clients

From the reception staff to the physiotherapists themselves, they are all professional, knowledgeable and caring. This is a superb Physio Centre where the patients come first.

C Baxter - Louth
happy clients

“For me Louth Physiofirst Centre was my saviour, I am so thankful that I found them. I feel that my training toolbox is complete and they are my first stop if I ever have any problems to ensure I am in tip top form to compete”

Emma Bristow – MBE 8x FIM Women’s World Trials Champion
happy clients

“Having the scan and being told nothing was torn gave me the reassurance that I could use it more and with my physiotherapy I am now back at work”

Graham - Cleethorpes
happy clients

”You’ve transformed my golf, I haven’t played this well for 10 years!”

R. Brown – Covenham
happy clients

“Many thanks for the help abacus physiotherapy have given me since my knee replacement. I am now back playing golf, swimming and dancing”.

Ken - Grimsby

Further information


Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement including manual therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, exercise, education and advice.


What should I expect during my initial consultation?

Your physiotherapist will take a full medical history, bringing a list of your current medications can be helpful.  Your physiotherapists will discuss your symptoms and how they relate to your usual activities as well as your rehabilitation goals.