Physiotherapists & MSK Sonographers

Why choose Abacus Physiotherapy?

happy clients

From the reception staff to the physiotherapists themselves, they are all professional, knowledgeable and caring. This is a superb Physio Centre where the patients come first.

C Baxter - Louth
happy clients

“For me Louth Physiofirst Centre was my saviour, I am so thankful that I found them. I feel that my training toolbox is complete and they are my first stop if I ever have any problems to ensure I am in tip top form to compete”

Emma Bristow – MBE 8x FIM Women’s World Trials Champion
happy clients

“Having the scan and being told nothing was torn gave me the reassurance that I could use it more and with my physiotherapy I am now back at work”

Graham - Cleethorpes
happy clients

”You’ve transformed my golf, I haven’t played this well for 10 years!”

R. Brown – Covenham
happy clients

“Many thanks for the help abacus physiotherapy have given me since my knee replacement. I am now back playing golf, swimming and dancing”.

Ken - Grimsby

Our team of physiotherapists consists of members who have where applicable passed additional exams to belong to the following governing bodies:

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

Members by degree in Physiotherapy allows the use of acronym MCSP

The Health and Care Professions Council Formerly called the health professions Council (HPC)

Members by degree in Physiotherapy allows the legal use of the terms Physiotherapist or Physical therapist.

The British Medical Ultrasound Society

Members following completion of a CASE accredited diagnostic ultrasound course

The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

Members by completion of an approved post graduate training course and examination. Allows the use of the acronym AACP.

The McKenzie Institute

Members by completion of a four stage post graduate training course and examination. Allows the use of the acronym Cred MDT.

The society of musculoskeletal medicine

Members by completion of a 3 stage post graduate training course and examination. Allows the use of the acronym MSOMM.

The Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice

Allows members to access enhanced insurance services and wider continued professional development. Allows the use of the acronym OCPPP.

Further information


Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement including manual therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, exercise, education and advice.


You will be fully involved in the decision process. Your physiotherapist will guide you in order to achieve the best outcome. We are experts in dealing with acute injuries, sporting or otherwise and also in dealing with chronic, long-standing conditions.


What should I expect during my initial consultation?

Your physiotherapist will take a full medical history, bringing a list of your current medications can be helpful.  Your physiotherapists will discuss your symptoms and how they relate to your usual activities as well as your rehabilitation goals.